the interface are buttons for Outside, Inside, and Envelope. From here you touch inside to customize the greeting. Apple has several premade greetings that are appropriate for each type of card, but you also can replace the text with your own words or make smaller tweaks to the text inside if Apple's greeting is close to what you want. Again, you get limited options for design customization on the inside as well, so whatever borders and fonts that come with your chosen design are what you get. Finally, you can touch the Envelope button, or touch
the envelope on the screen to switch to envelope view. From here, you can fill in the recipient's address and your return address, then send your card. The service costs $2.99 to send your card in the U.S. and $4.99 internationally. Other smart additions to Canon Imagerunner 1025if Driver are helpful as well. Once a card is made the Canon Imagerunner 1025if Driver app saves it to your iPhone so you can send the same card to multiple addresses (like holiday cards, for example). Also, on the day your card is delivered, you will receive a notification on your phone so you'll know it got to the recipient. Overall, we think Apple's Canon Imagerunner 1025if Driver is a fun and easy way to send someone a nice greeting. With a few more card styles to choose from and more design customization options for the outside and inside of the cards (specifically borders and fonts), we th

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